Makaio Heads to Preschool

Makaio Heads to Preschool

There’s so much confliction.  How is it possible that my baby is headed to school?  I know its only preschool, but still, its such a huge milestone.  My Makaio is becoming more and more independent by the minute.  I’m so proud of him.  At only 2 years old, his world was changed forever.  Just after turning 2, still only a baby himself, Makaio welcomed 5 itty bitty babies into his life with open arms and a huge heart.  Nearly two fast and furious years later, he’s making the first steps into his future.  A future I pray that will include happiness and success; whatever that means to him.

August 15th was his first day of preschool and he was oh so excited.  Myself and my husband were also excited, but anxious (as most parents are).  About halfway through the day, we received an email with a collage of pictures and a short note letting us know Makaio was doing great.  It was such a wonderful surprise!


Just about 11 hours after dropping him off, I was finally there to pick him up.  I was so excited to hear all about his day, but he wasn’t as excited to see me.  In fact, he wanted to finish his puzzle he was working on.  After the teacher told him he can play with it tomorrow, I had his attention and he was a little more excited to see me.  When I asked how his day was, he said “Mommy, I love it!”  Music to my ears!  I know we made the right decision to send him to preschool.  Although daddy is home with the babies and we could have kept him home for a couple more years, we though it was best for him to get  out and learn.  It’s financially harder for us but we’ll somehow make it work.  He deserves all that we can give him.

For those of you who know my family or follow us on Instagram (@quintuplets_of_hawaii), you can see how great of a big brother he is.  He is a special boy and owns a huge piece of my heart.  His personality is unlike any other and I can’t express how proud of him I am.


Hana Hou!

Hana Hou!

Hana Hou: The Magazine of Hawaiian Airlines did a story of us back in December and the article is finally out.  I’ve been anxiously awaiting this and am so happy that it’s finally here.  The story is out in the June/July issue on all Hawaiian Airlines flights.

Reading the story took me back to a time when there was so much uncertainty, yet a time when I never felt more certain.  It’s so strange!  Our God was with me.  He kept me calm, He kept me healthy, and He reassured me it was all going to be okay.  Looking back, I’m scared.  I get more emotional about the “what-if’s” now, than I did while I was actually going through it.


Here are some of the photos that made the cut along with others.

Photo Credit: Elyse Butler, December 11, 2016

Elyse spent the day with our family and took these photos.  You’ll see the babies in their PJ’s, some of us at the beach, and even a couple of us feeding the kiddos in the van. 

Elyse was also the photographer who took photos of us for the Wall of Hope at Kapiolani Hospital.


A Mother’s Day Note

A Mother’s Day Note

Dear Makaio,

Thank you for making me a Mommy. You were my first blessing; the one I never thought possible.  The moment I found out I was pregnant with you was the happiest moment of my life.  I loved you instantly.  You brought so much joy to my life and continue to surprise me with your attentiveness, charm, talent, wit, and unconditional love.  You teach me something new every day and are the best big brother to your babies.  This is the third year I get to celebrate Mother’s Day.  I thank God every day for choosing you for me.  Today I celebrate you, your brothers and your sister.  I am honored to be the one you all call Mommy.

Dear Mommy,

I love you.  Thank you for being you.  Thank you for your unconditional support, encouragement & love.  Whenever anything exciting happens, I think of you.  Whenever something funny happens, I tell you.  Whenever something bad happens, I need you.  Through it all, you are there.  You know me better than anyone else on this earth.  You shaped me into the person I am today. You are my best friend and I’ll never take you for granted.  You’ve taught me so much about life, whether you intended to or not.  I wish I could spend every day with you.  I hope you know how much you mean to me.  Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy!

mommy n me


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Oh, the Personalities!

Oh, the Personalities!

It’s still so interesting to me that our babies are so very different from one another.  Their personalities are emerging ever so quickly and its not shaped by their surroundings, social media or society.  It’s just them; natural.

Makaio is an entertainer.  He loves to sing.  Songs he’s learned and songs he makes up.  He’s a natural with babies.  I’m not sure if its because he’s been around lots of babies in daycare, or if its an instinct, but boy is he a great big brother!  Now that the babies are getting bigger, he plays with them more.  With that, comes a lot of laughter and a lot of tears.  The tears usually come from him because he’s constantly getting scolding for playing too rough.  In his defense, the babies are cracking up laughing as they’re getting tackled by him, but its still something we have to closely monitor.  This boy is so smart and we’re hoping to get him into a good preschool later this year.


Kapena.  He’s my lazy boy.  So full of smiles lately.  He’s the oldest of the quints and I often call him my crybaby.  In all fairness, I shouldn’t be calling him that because no one really cries too much.  He’s just the most cautious of the bunch.  When we’re out ‘n about, strangers can approach them and no one will cry.  But when we’re home and a stranger comes over or someone he hasn’t seen in a while comes by, he’ll begin to cry.  He’s like my very own guard dog.  I also call Kapena the romantic one.  His eyes are going to get him into trouble with the girls.  When he looks at you, its like he’s looking deep into your soul.  He’s very affectionate, observant and sweet.  Always hanging around Mommy or Daddy if we’re near.

Then there’s Kamali’i.  Our little girl.  I giggle a little just thinking about her.  She is another character but in a different way.  With so many nicknames come many different personalities.  She’s serious, but fun.  Stern, but gentle.  Smart, Sassy, Sweet, Bossy, Stubborn & very very caring.  She may not be quick to smile (especially to strangers) but she likes to entertain her brothers.  Whether its dancing, playing peek-a-boo or poking and prodding at them, it works.  Recently I’ve noticed how emotionally connected she is with others.  If someone is upset, she notices.  I’ve witnessed on a few occasions where Kamali’i offers a toy to someone who’s upset.  What a sweet gesture!

Kupono is my big boy.  He’s big, he’s clunky and oh so charming (and boy does he know it).  He has a thing with his eyebrows – so expressive.  I can tell when he’s done something wrong because his eyebrows are so far up his forehead, it’s a dead give-away.  The most “laid back” of the boys, he rarely gets upset over things, but when he does you can totally see it in his face.  Although laid back, he surely likes to chat.  He has a lot to say and I imagine he won’t hesitate to share what’s on his mind.  He’s head-strong, determined, a little bit of a flirt and just simply “Ku”.

My Keahi.  My firecracker, fireball, dreamy-eyed little one.  He’s still the smallest of the bunch, but don’t let his size fool you.  He’s not afraid to defend himself and is definitely not afraid to express himself when he’s upset.  He can get angry quick.  The good thing is that you can also calm him down pretty quickly as well.  He’s a silly little goose that giggles a lot and loves one-on-one time with Mommy and Daddy.  Along with Kamali’i, he loves to dance.  He’ll be one of the first to start grooving to any type of music we play.  His moves aren’t as aggressive as his sister, but he’s feeling the music…you can see it in his cute little face.

…and then there’s Kaolu.  I call him my very own Curious George.  He gets into anything and everything he can get his paws on.  Adventurous, Rascal and full of life.  This boy is always smiling and laughing.  I don’t know what he’s smiling at half the time, but i’ll take it!  He’s also the most aggressive.  Don’t mess with his toys.  He’ll fight you for it, or shall I say he’ll BITE YOU for it.

